BKS Iyengar: Illustrated book on yoga
BKS Iyengar: Pranayama
Swami Sivananda: Kundalini yoga
Swami Sivananda: Yoga in daily life
Swami Sivananda: Thought Power
Swami Sivananda: Swara Yoga
Dalai Lama: Ethics of the new millenium
Leslie Kaminoff: Yoga anatomy
Gregor Maehle: Ashtanga yoga
David Frawley: How I become a hindu
Simon Borg Olivier: Applied anatomy
V. Gunaratara: Mindfullness in plain English
Doug Keller: Hatha yoga in Anusara style
Swami Vivekananda: Raja yoga
Yoga therapy
Swami Vivekananda: Karma Yoga
Pattabhi Jois: Yoga mala
Sri Krishnamacharya: Yoga Makaranda I.
Sri Krishnamacharya Yoga Makaranda II.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Sri Aurobindo: Record of yoga
Alex Baiyle Long: Patanjali yoga sutras
Yoga Vasistha: The art of self realization
Shiva Samhita
David Swenson: The practice manual
Deepak Chopra: The seven spiritual law of yoga
2100 Asanas
The key poses of hatha yoga
David Coulter: Anatomy of Hatha Yoga
Gregor Maehle: Pranayam